5-Feb 23 FITT principle

Worlds affairs



Exercise testing

  1. FITT principle
  2. FITT recommendation for PR
  3. PT intervention in PR

Exercise Testing

FITT Principle

  • Frequency (F): It’s the stance for how often a workout takes place.
  • Intensity(I): it stands for how strenuous exercise is.
  • Time(T): Represents how long a workout is 
  • Type(T): stands for what specific exercises/different types of exercise we can prescribe to an individual 

FITT Recommendations for PR


  • 20 sessions are more effective than 10 sessions


  • Programs of 20 sessions should be continued for 2-3 weeks with mild to moderate activities
  • Outpatient rehabilitation, 2-3 times per week for 4 weeks


  • Each session should last for 30-40 minutes


  • Focus on breathing exercises
  • Resistance exercise
  • Aerobic exercises
  • Active exercise should be maintained for a long period

PT Intervention in PR

1. Training specificity 

  • Training effects are specific to injured muscles

2. Lower Intensity Training

  • PR traditionally focuses on lower extremity training
  • Many involve the upper extremity, so upper extremity training is also included to a moderate extent

3. Strength and Endurance

  • Traditionally, endurance exercises are used in the form of cyclic or walking

4. Higher Intensity Training

  • Relatively longer durations of higher intensity are adopted in endurance training
  • Total effective training time should be over 30 minutes but it is difficult to achieve in some patients

5. Lower Extremity Training

  • Walking and cyclic are the most common exercises described for this type of training

5.1 Intensity

  • Patients less than 20 years of age & elderly patients should be given mild to moderate-intensity
  • For normal individuals, programs should be moderate to severe
  • The intensity is decided based on RPE, heart rate, VO2max

5.2 Frequency and Time

  • Engage in 3 to 4 sessions in a week
  • Each session should last a minimum of 30 minutes with or without a break

5.3 Upper Extremity Exercises

  • Increase strength training with or without weight
  • Upper extremity exercises along with other benefits help in increasing thoracic cage mobility


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