The aim of the test is to measure walking endurance, It is the distance a person can comfortably walk in 6mins at a normal walking speed, the usual length of 30 meters is used to conduct the test
Equipment required:
Stopwatch, straight low-traffic corridor, chair, measuring tape, a glass of water, and two cones
Pre-test assessment:
Vitals, Height and weight, breathlessness
1) Mark out the distance standard distance in a straight line with the two cones
2) place a chair at a halfway distance and at the cones so that the patient can stop to sit if necessary
3) Patient education
4) Ask the patient to stand at the starting position
5) Please walk up and down around the cones for the next 6 mins
6) walk at your usual speed and try to walk as far as possible
7) Use a walking aid if necessary
8) If you need to stop the test tell me we can sit down and start when you are ready
9) Start the stop-watch, the moment the patient moves their foot to take a step along with the patient's encouragement
10) The examiner walks behind the patient to minimize the effect of pacing
11) The Examiner records each lap of the walk using a counter
12) Record the number of laps and duration
13) At the end of 6 mins ask the patient to stop and place a cone at the stopping point and help the patient to sit
14) Ask the patient to evaluate their level of effort during 6 mins test using RPE scale
15) RPE scale which is shown to them to refer to RP protocol and scale
16) Measure and record the distance between the last cone and the temporary marker
17) Record number of rest including time stop and duration of stop