- Introduction
- Objective
- Function
- Types of occupational hazard
- Types of occupational diseases
- Preventive measure
Definition of Industrial Health:
- First Point:
- Defined as the highest degree of physical, mental, and social well-being of a worker in all occupations.
- Second Point:
- Preventive healthcare is provided under the Occupational Health Act.
Occupational Health:
- Deals with work-related diseases and factors affecting community outcomes within it.
Objectives of Industrial Health:
- Reduce industrial accidents.
- Prevent occupational hazards.
- Maintain and promote physical, mental, and social well-being of workers.
- Achieve maximum human and machine efficiency.
- Preventive Measures:
- Ensure a preventive, rather than curative, approach.
- Establish a healthy and safe working environment.
- Foster a well-functioning working community.
Functions of Industrial Health:
- Investigation and Assessment:
- Investigate and assess load factors and hazards.
- Provide expert guidance for their elimination.
- Information and Advice:
- Offer information and advice to employees.
- Estimate employees' working ability and monitor their health condition.
- Conduct pre-employment medical examinations.
- Provide first aid emergency services.
- Supervision:
- Supervise sanitation, hygiene, and camping facilities.
- Types of Occupational Hazards:
- Physical Agents:
- Heat, cold, light, noise, and UV radiation.
- Chemical Agents:
- Acids, alkalines, carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid.
- Biological Agents:
- Bacteria, viruses, fungi, various insects.
- Other Factors:
- Malnutrition, excessive drinking, and smoking, and job stress.
- Physical Agents:
- Mechanical Hazards:
- Address hazards related to machinery, fire, and electricity.
- Psychological Agents:
- Mitigate issues such as lack of job satisfaction, insecurity, emotional stress, and poor relationships.
Types of Occupational Diseases:
- Phosphorous Poisoning:
- Yellow phosphorous is poisonous and is used in the manufacturing of certain types of explosives.
- Symptoms may include toothache and pain in the jaw.
- Bagassosis:
- Caused by inhalation of sugarcane dust.
- Symptoms include breathlessness, coughing, and slight fever.
- Silicosis:
- Mainly affects the lungs due to inhaling crystalline silica dust.
- Common in workers in sand, rock, and industries.
- Symptoms may include cyanosis.
- Byssinosis:
- Affects the lungs of textile workers.
- Caused by inhalation of cotton fiber dust over a prolonged period.
Preventive Measures:
- Preventive Healthcare:
- Conduct pre-employment and periodic medical examinations.
- Hazard Removal:
- Implement measures to remove health hazards from the workplace.
- First Aid Training:
- Provide workers with first aid education and training.
- Health and Hygiene Education:
- Educate workers about health and hygiene practices.
- Emergency Treatment:
- Ensure availability of emergency treatment for accidents.